We’re growing – welcoming Zack Bouraeda! - Kinexit

Golf Fitness Platform for Coaches

We’re growing – welcoming Zack Bouraeda!

Monday, February 15, 2021

2020 was a blockbuster year for the golf industry, and we’re thrilled Kinexit has been growing during this period as well. The list of Kinexit Certified Academies, Clubs, and Professionals is increasing at an unprecedented rate, and we’re in the process of adding even more to the list. To meet the increased demand, interest, and expectations, especially in the US, we’re excited to welcome Zack Bouraeda to our team as an Account Executive. Zack is based out of Dallas, TX, and will start his journey with us this week.

Chris Mansson, CEO at Kinexit, said this about adding Zack to the team:” It’s an exciting time working in the golf industry right now. Most geographies added 15%+ active players in 2020. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to grow the game more, but just as important, keeping the new players in the game. I’m excited to have Zack on the team. He knows the industry from working with the 18birdies app and another start-up in the industry. Combining his industry knowledge with his sales experience will help us achieve our aggressive growth targets this year.

Zack replied:” I know how vital the fitness component is for every serious golfer out there and have seen first-hand how players with pain and limitations play less or even quit the game. The key for me is how Kinexit combines technology with practical exercises to improve each golfer’s foundation for a good golf swing. We live in uncertain times, and teaching and coaching professionals must have digital tools to work with their players when options for meeting face-to-face are limited. I’m looking forward to getting going.

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